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École Polytechnique.
Post-doctoral Researcher.
Federated optimisation and stochastic approximation, with application to reinforcement learning.
Inria Lille.
PhD Thesis.
Exploiting problem structure in privacy-preserving optimization and machine learning.
Université Lyon 1.
Agrégation de mathématiques, option informatique.
École Polytechnique, Télécom Paris.
Master 2 Data Sciences.
ENS de Lyon.
Master 1 Informatique fondamentale.
ENS de Lyon.
Licence 3 Informatique fondamentale.
Lycée du Parc.
Prépa MPSI–MP*.
Lycée Ampère.
Baccalauréat Scientifique.
CHU de Lille.
Internship – 3 months.
Proof of concept of decentralized learning on health data.
Inria Lille.
Internship – 6 months.
Differentially private optimization for machine learning.
Weierstrass Institute, Berlin.
Internship – 4 months.
Numerical methods for unbalanced optimal transport.
KU Leuven, Courtrai et Inria Lille.
Internship – 3 months.
Development of a parameterizable environments for evaluating machine learning algorithms in modelling yeast gene regulation network.
Institut Rhônalpin des Systèmes Complexes, Lyon.
Internship – 2 months.
Analysis of sociolinguistic relationships between language and social networks on a database of tweets.